Ympäristöhuoltoa jo vuodesta 1953
Toimintamme perusajatuksena on huolehtia asiakkaittemme ympäristöhuoltoon liittyvistä tarpeista, tuottamalla ympäristöhuollon kokonaispalveluita. Palvelemme laajalla rintamalla tekemällä kokonaisvaltaisia ympäristöhuoltopaketteja yrityksille, julkiselle sektorille ja kiinteistöille.
Peltomaa - Lohjan Puhtaanapito Oy
Kokonaisvaltaista ympäristön huoltoa yrityksille ja yksityisille!
Meillä on tarjota sinulle kokemuksemme, ammattitaitomme, viemärihuoltoon, jätteenkeräykseen ja kuljetukseen suunniteltu kalustomme, sekä halu palvella sinua ja ympäristöäsi yksilöllisten tarpeittenne mukaisesti.
ympäristöhuollon kokonaispalvelut
Kokonaisvaltaista ympäristön huoltoa yrityksille ja yksityisille
Meillä on tarjota sinulle kokemuksemme, ammattitaitomme, viemärihuoltoon, jätteenkeräykseen ja kuljetukseen suunniteltu kalustomme, sekä halu palvella sinua ja ympäristöäsi yksilöllisten tarpeittenne mukaisesti.
Monstroid²— New WordPress Themes Generation.
Monstroid² boasts clean and crispy design, bulletproof layout consistency and intuitive navigation. The theme was created by top industry leaders in web design and user experience.
Watch The Overview
Discover extremely easy to use installation to be completed in a blink of an eye!
All the technical issues are highlighted in Monstroid2 clean documentation.
We are ready to assist you with any issue you faced! Our devoted Support Team is on guard!
Page Builder.
Elementor Page Builder.
Build your dream layout with no coding skills with the help of Elementor page builder – the most popular builder ever!
- Faster Than Others
- Free & Open Source
- Easy To Use
- No Coding
First-Class Addons for Elementor Page Builder.
JetElements for Elementor.
Developed to enhance Elementor functionality, JetElements are here to add exquisite modules to your page editor functionality!
Finally You can Create Menu Really Fast and Easy!
Create awesome Mega menus and enrich them with spectacular visual effects with powerful JetMenu plugin!
- Faster Than Others
- Free & Open Source
- Easy To Use
- No Coding
Monstroid² — meeting your needs in website building!
Design for speed.
Drop the dead weight.
Perfomance Grade
You will be amazed by perfectly designed pages!
Loading Time
It takes just a moment to load a page.
Faster That
Upgraded Monstroid² hits all the records!
Monstroid²— New WordPress Themes Generation.

Support 24/7
Speed and efficiency are the keywords characterising our Support team! If you have any questions regarding Monstroid2, they are ready to help!

Elementor Page Builder
Amazing and totally user-friendly drag and drop page builder is Elementor! Its modular structure is extremely simple and even kif you are a beginner, you’ll win!

Faster Than Others
Monstroid2 saves much time for you! It’s fast, flexible and full of indeed powerful plugins and technical features. Build your engaging website with Monstroid2!

Support 24/7
Speed and efficiency are the keywords characterising our Support team! If you have any questions regarding Monstroid2, they are ready to help!

Elementor Page Builder
Amazing and totally user-friendly drag and drop page builder is Elementor! Its modular structure is extremely simple and even kif you are a beginner, you’ll win!

Faster Than Others
Monstroid2 saves much time for you! It’s fast, flexible and full of indeed powerful plugins and technical features. Build your engaging website with Monstroid2!
Deprecated: jquery-slick on kehotettu välttämään versiosta 2.7.0 asti! Käytä sen sijaan Swiper. in /var/www/vhosts/peltomaa.fi/httpdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5049
fabulous presentation of your products
Monstroid²— New WordPress Themes Generation.

Very LIght weight, clean & beautiful testimonial design.
Amazing theme! I discovered Monstroid2 as a perfect theme for my company! I’m new in website building, however I found that Elementor page builder is quite clear for me. Monstroid2 surprized me with its Jet plugins!

Very LIght weight, clean & beautiful testimonial design.
Amazing theme! I discovered Monstroid2 as a perfect theme for my company! I’m new in website building, however I found that Elementor page builder is quite clear for me. Monstroid2 surprized me with its Jet plugins!

Very LIght weight, clean & beautiful testimonial design.
Amazing theme! I discovered Monstroid2 as a perfect theme for my company! I’m new in website building, however I found that Elementor page builder is quite clear for me. Monstroid2 surprized me with its Jet plugins!
Deprecated: jquery-slick on kehotettu välttämään versiosta 2.7.0 asti! Käytä sen sijaan Swiper. in /var/www/vhosts/peltomaa.fi/httpdocs/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5049
Interested in Monstroid²? Don’t wait and buy now!
Teollisuuskatu 9, 08150 Lohja
019 357 301 | myynti@peltomaa.fi | Avoinna arkisin 8.00 – 15.00
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